Monday, November 24, 2014

Working Class Princess

Do you ever just sit down and think about life? I do that all the time. I try to find logical reasons for everything that happens within me, around me and all around the world. It's already scary enough to think about everything that is happening in the world, that we constantly try to minimize our thinking into smaller pieces. Like for example "Me, me, & me" -thinking.

The fact is that we all are selfish, either we like it or not. We all have our own problems and we put all of our energy into us -don't even mention other people's problems.

But.. then again the case is not always this. Sometimes, just sometimes we happen to meet someone who makes us feel ashamed for being able not to be just like them. We wish to be like them because they amaze us by just being who they are. So.. who are they? More precisely said who is the "Working Class Princess"?

Is she someone like her?

Or perhaps someone more closer to reality?

Or maybe... Young and Successful?

Noup. She is none of these lovely ladies. She is one of us. She is the type of a princess we call our best friend. She is the first person we call for awesome news, for not so awesome news and for really bad news. She is the girl who does not judge because she knows better. She knows how rough life can be and all we need is someone to tell us "You know that you are really strong"? and hugs us tight.

The best of all. She has been through more than anyone else I know, yet she is always there for you. Even if you are a stranger, she will care for you if you need her. You can always count on her because you know she will ALWAYS be there for you. This is rare.

She is selfless, she loves you with all of her heart and no matter what the world has done to her she never ever lost hope and never will. You know why? Because god blessed her with a heart no one else has. Because god blessed her with a soul you cannot find. Because god blessed her with a smile on her face even when tears are falling down. She is beautiful in and outside. 

She is:

The only person who understands me completely. 

Yet.. we find peace in them, in people like her because what would the world be without people like her? Just nothing.

I love her with every beat of my heart. 

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