Friday, July 18, 2014

You say Nobody, I say Somebody

I want to tell you a story, a story that was never told but will be told at this very moment when you read it till the end. Who's the main star of this particular story? You. Them. All of us.

Imagine a life where you couldn't possibly dream, a life where you couldn't live with your own thoughts, a life where you can't pursuit your goals. Now thats a life no one wants. What makes us wake up everyday is a reason, a reason that makes us get up from bed, wash our teeth, get dressed and walk to school/work. We all share one thing in common. Dreams.

Now some of you might think those kind of people are dreamers, idealistic and definitely not realistic ones. But I will tell you those "dreamers" are the ones who will pursuit their goals, because without a dream you cannot have a goal, without a goal you cannot achieve anything. Maybe I am too optimistic, but the world needs more optimistic people. It needs next-door girl to brake the chain and rule the world, it needs the beaten and heartbroken ones to go after their goals, it needs people who are willing to take that extra mile.

When I look back in time, the people who were in my life, I feel proud when I see the dreamers actually made it. The dreamers made it. And they are ready to go that extra mile no matter what people say. "You are nobody until you are talked about" -interesting saying. Its true. She was a nobody until she became somebody and now she is reaching her goals, living the dream. I am talking about a girl who actually made it. A girl who had a dream, a girl who was pushed down many times for things she never did, a girl who was nobody until she became somebody. She is definitely somebody.

Do you know her? Most probably yes. But she is not the star of this story, she is a great example, a living proof of making things happen. If you have a dream, you have to protect it. If you want something, go get it! Its about me, its about you, its about all of us.

This world has more than 7 billion faces, 7 billion mind, 14 billion pair of eyes and dreams of amount of eternity! I am not saying we all can get what we want, because that will be too naive. What I am saying is if we were less afraid of what others might say and think, if we had a bigger heart to love more, to help each other more, to work as a team, we could achieve more dreams as one than alone. Humankind cannot do anything alone, thats just a proven fact.

Where am I taking you with my words, where am I taking you with my stories? I am taking you to my world, I am taking you to a place where you can make things happen not just in my world but also in your world. "You must be the change you want to see in the world" -Gandhi. What did he mean with this? It means CHANGE your own world into a world you are proud to speak of, a world where you are not ashamed of, a world that you can preach to others -only after that you can change the rest of the world.

You say Nobody, I say Somebody. Be that Somebody. Not tomorrow but today.


  1. This was definitely one of the most inspiring things I have read in a while. Beautiful piece of writing :)

    1. Thank you sweetie, ur words are much appreciated and I hope you continue reading my blogs ^_^
