Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Explain Again, Why Do I Need a Man?

Being a woman is more than just becoming a wife when 

finding the right man -at least for Kurds. 

Yes, it's true that due to our geographical location our women should be nothing else than just order obeying daughters and wives. Yes, it's true that Kurdistan is an Islamic country and it makes any western doubt our rights as a woman.But are we oppressed eastern women? Hell no.

I'm a woman and I personally stand for independent, hard working and goal-achieving Kurdish women. When did the mainstream media become a manipulative source of information? Ugh, I guess the day they invented media. 

For days I've been thinking of this topic since it is more than a recent topic, when considering what's going on in Middle East and the whole world in general. We talk about degraded women rights in Middle East but highly valued woman rights in the West. Really? Is it just the ignorance of the West to see the whole Middle East as one? Is it the educated West and the uneducated Middle East? 

I want to clean the air and express myself by telling you all how a Kurdish woman truly is!

"Behind every man, there is not a woman. She is beside him, she is with him, not behind him"
-Tariq Ramadan

We have women fighting side by side with our men

We have women in politics; making decisions with men as equals

We have women as police officers

We have women representing the Great Kurdistan

I am sure not many of you expected this, but it does not matter since I am here to show you even more! Maybe you think, the pictures above are about people who belong to the "upper-class", hence does not really represent the whole nation. Or does it? I have had the privilege to interview some Kurdish women who more than proudly represent most of us. 


Without mentioning any names I decided to interview Kurdish mothers all around the world. I chose to interview mothers because they are already occupied with the household, being a mom and at the same time a wife. I asked them questions such as:

How do they manage being a mother, a wife and at the same time follow their dreams?
What were their dreams and did their husband support them?
What are they doing today?

I got many answers and most of them did not surprise me because I knew Kurdish women are strong and willing to go that extra mile in order to make everything happen. Most of the interviewers were working and not just being a stay-home mom. One was even starting her own business and she inspired me by her plans. I wish nothing but success to all of them!

The question is, what is my point in all this?
My point is that nowadays women are stronger than before. We have a voice none can take away, we have motivation and most of all we thrive for success. What do Kurdish women do? We make sure the whole world knows our name, knows our background and definitely knows which way we are going. And let me tell you, there is no way than straight to the top!

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