Monday, November 21, 2016

Something new, something old and something crazy!

It feels like forever since the last time I sat down and typed my thoughts. Maybe its me being busier than before or I'm just lacking the right kind of motivation. Nevertheless, I'm more than back and I got some stories to share!

I'm known by my family and friends to be an exceptionally determined person, but I personally see myself as the type who will take the leap in order to reach my goals and dreams. I've wanted million things in my life and like any other, I've been lost too. It's like you got million roads and options, but none feels the right one. Then there comes a day and it hits you like a wind straight through you. 

For a while now I've wanted to continue my studies and do masters. I wasn't quite sure when would I start my studies but I knew it had something to do with international field. I have a business background and I've worked in this field for years now. I wanted something different.

I was searching educations through and I found few options just on the other side of the ocean: Estonia. I'm never a last minute type of a person, but applying to do masters in Estonia was definitely last minute decision. I ended up applying to Tallinn University

Photo taken by Ada Claire,
After this post I will write more about Tallinn University, Life in Estonia and how to mingle between work and studies. I've got plenty of things to share so I hope you all got the interest to follow up on my stories. <3

So.. why Estonia? Why Tallinn University? Honestly, I was desperate for a change. It's not like my life was boring or I had nothing to do, it was just that I needed to challenge myself. If one is just going to work, then home and repeat this for the next few years you will get a burnout or just stop living for yourself. Don't take me wrong, I love my job and I will gladly keep doing what I do. It's just that I needed to do this for myself.

I'm a free spirit and I can't stay in one place forever!

After searching for a while I send my application to Tallinn University and after the application period ended (which was the next day by the way :D ), it was time to send all of my papers. I was so anxious to know what will happen that I couldn't stop thinking about it for days! 

On my next blog I will talk about the application process and explain in more detail why I chose Tallinn University. 

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